Ester Run Farm
Farmers of Heritage Breed Dorking and Minorca Chickens, Saxony Ducks, and Buff Toulouse Geese.
I am now accepting orders for 2025.
Please contact me for 2025 availability.
Located in the Clearfork River Valley of Bellville, Ohio, Ester Run Farm is dedicated to the conservation, improvement, and promotion through the superior eating qualities of Dorking and Minorca Chickens, Saxony Ducks, and Buff Toulouse Geese.
Young Buff Toulouse geese on pasture.
Through the superb eating qualities of these heritage birds, will be their greatest chance of survival.
Ready to cook carcasses of a Dorking stewing chicken, Toulouse goose, and Saxony duck. Photo Credit: Katie Carothers
Having birds that are both beautiful and useful has been the driving force behind the creation of the old heritage poultry breeds. Here at our farm, I specialize in producing heirloom poultry that possess the appropriate standard traits, while excelling in their usefulness in the kitchen.
Young Colored Dorking pullets awaiting evaluation. This photo shows the diversity in female coloring that can occur when breeding Colored Dorkings
The preservation of rare heritage livestock and poultry is vastly different from that of endangered wild species. We must give these animals their jobs back. We can only hope to save them by utilizing the traits that they were created for: flesh, fat, and feathers. We must eat them to save them.
Dorking Chickens are an Ancient breed, the epitome of heritage chickens. Dating back over 2000 years to the Roman occupation of the British Isles, Dorkings are one of the oldest domesticated chickens still in existence.
When I purchased my first flock of Colored Dorkings in 2015, I scoured the internet for information. Some was to be had, but the details describing breeding strategies and history were lacking. Books then came to my rescue, having gotten copies of Harrison Weir’s The Poultry Book, and Jan E. Irving’s Dorking Poultry, Fowls & Chickens, I was able to gain a little more knowledge, especially regarding the historical aspects. However, in the autumn of 2017 I met a legend in the world of Dorkings, Craig Russell. We quickly became friends, often talking for hours about our beloved Dorkings (and poultry in general). You will find many quotes and tidbits of his knowledge herein. Craig’s knowledge of poultry and their history is an invaluable resource.
I have created this website as a resource to those wanting to learn everything they can about Dorking chickens and other heirloom poultry. It is my sincere hope that this source of information will excite and envelope you in the history and the beauty of heritage chickens, ducks, and geese that has enamored both farmers and fanciers for centuries.
I welcome your questions, and I will reply as soon as I can. Please contact me below.
Dylan P Barile
Please Respect My Work
I have poured great quantities of time, energy, and effort into the research found herein, it is my gift to everyone. While I have made this information available to use for free, all of the words and photographs contained within this website are protected under copyright and it is illegal to duplicate or plagiarize this information. Any vintage or antique images, not of my stock are in the public domaine. Please contact me for all permissions, and I will gladly (usually) oblige .