Young Buff Toulouse and Saxonys in winter
I am now accepting orders for 2025. Please contact me for 2025 availability.
I will not be shipping chicks, ducklings, or goslings.
I have however, made the decision to sell chicks, ducklings, and goslings for PICK UP ONLY. Availability and price will be on an order by order basis, please reach out for details. These will be very limited.
Please feel free to send inquiries regarding all orders.
Remember, I will only consider an order booked and in the queue once I receive payment via check/money order or Venmo.
The goose eggs should begin shipping in March. Most chicken egg orders will not ship until mid March or early April or once I get enough hatched for my own use.
Ordering and Availability
My primary mission for the poultry on this farm is conservation and preservation, both through their superb eating qualities and through the establishment of new flocks.
The accessibility for other farmers to acquire flocks is crucial to the survival of these old breeds.
We are a small farm, we are not a mainstream hatchery. While I strive to have the best availability of birds to share, often there are varieties that are simply not available at specific times.
To ensure the best chance of getting the varieties you would like, please submit orders early.
Below you will find an outline of what I believe to be are the best practices for which to achieve my mission of conservation and preservation.
Please use the link at the bottom of this page to send me inquiries about stock availability and pricing.
Farming is seasonal, you must know this. To the right are the basic tenets on when the different poultry can be purchased, although none are guaranteed.
-Chicken hatching eggs are typically available from late Winter through summer and occasionally into Autumn. Goose hatching eggs are mainly in the late Winter through early Spring. Duck hatching eggs are usually late winter through early summer.
-Although I will be selling hatchlings this year, I will not be shipping them.
-Started stock, when available, is typically available after September 1st.
-Adult breeders, though rare, are typically available in the late Summer through Autumn.
-Pet-quality, non-breeder worthy birds are occasionally available for those who want to add one or two heritage breed birds to their backyard flock.
Hatching Eggs
-Dorking and Minorca hatching eggs are sold in single variety lots of 24. I can occasionally offer assortments, please inquire for availability of assortments.
-Duck eggs are sold in lots of 12
-Toulouse eggs are sold in lots of 12
Day-Old Hatchlings
-I ship eggs on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of each week.
With my goal being conservation and preservation through the establishment of new breeding flocks, certain quantities of eggs and hatchlings just make sense.
***No Hatchlings shipped***
**There is absolutely no guarantee on hatching eggs**
**I will always try to include a few extra**
While there is no guarantee on the result of hatching eggs, I do guarantee that they will be less than 5 days old when I ship them.
I realize that the numbers to the left may seem like a daunting amount of one variety. It is my hope that you will rear them to maturity and cull the least, while keeping only the best for breeding. Remember, establishing new breeding flocks is crucial to the conservation and preservation of these old breeds.
At this time, I can only to ship to the Continental USA and Alaska. No international or Hawaii, I’m sorry.
Above: Buff Toulouse Goslings, Right: Black Dorking Cock